About Wander West Ardnamurchan
Rannsaich slighe dualchais Àird nam Murchan (Wander West), agus lorg eachdraidh shaidhbhir na sgìre. Briog air a’ mhapa gus ionnsachadh mu dheich làraichean dualchais agus leugh na sgeulachdan aig na daoine a bha a’ fuireach an seo. Chaidh an slighe seo a dhealbhadh le taic bhon choimhearsnachd ionadail, Comann Eachdraidh is Dualchas Àird nam Murchan, agus Arc-eòlas na h-Alba a tha ag obair sa cheàrn o chionn bhliadhnaichean; ionnsaich mu na fhuair iad a-mach air an t-slighe!
Tha am pròiseact seo mar phàirt de dh’obair fharsaing Maoin Leasachadh Roinneil na h-Eòrpa (ERDF) agus prògram air Àird nam Murchan le taic Àrainneachd Aosmhor na h-Alba (HES), a th’ air a lìbhrigeadh le Arc-eòlas na h-Alba agus Comann Eachdraidh is Dualchas Àird nam Murchan.
Is e Adopt-a-Monument sgeama nàiseanta Arc-eòlas sa Choimhearsnachd a tha mar phàirt de shreath phròiseactan Albannach luach £9 millean a thathar a’ cur ris a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan. Gheibh e tasgadh airgid ann o Mhaoin Dualchais Chultaraich is Nàdarra a tha a’ faighinn, mar an ceudna, leth-chuid den ionmhas aicese o Mhaoin Leasachadh Roinneil na h-Eòrpa (ERDF). Bidh e ag iomairt gus obraichean, gnìomhachasan is seirbheisean ann an sgìrean dùthchail a chumail suas, agus a’ brosnachadh an dualchais chultaraich is nàdarra air leth aig a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan ann an dòigh a tha gan gleidheadh ’s gan dìon.
Explore the Wander West Ardnamurchan trail, and discover stories spanning thousands of years of history around the peninsula. Click on the sites on the map to learn about life on Ardnamurchan throughout history, and read the stories of people who lived here in the past.
This trail has been developed with the local community, Ardnamurchan History & Heritage Association and Archaeology Scotland who have been active in the area for years; learn about their discoveries on the trail!
The information on this site is an introduction to the many fascinating stories and histories of the area; to find out more, visit heritageardnamurchan.co.uk, a rich and fascinating archive of Ardnamurchan created by Ardnamurchan History and Heritage Association.
Archaeologists are still uncovering new information about what life used to be like here, and how it has shaped the landscape of Ardnamurchan today. Traces of the past are abundant in Ardnamurchan’s wild and beautiful landscape.
Many thanks to all of the people who have contributed to this project, especially those who generously allowed us to use their archive photos of Ardnamurchan, and wrote rich accounts of what life was like here in the past.
Wander West Ardnamurchan is a heritage interpretation project, part of the wider work of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Historic Environment Scotland (HES) supported Adopt-a-Monument on Ardnamurchan programme, delivered by Archaeology Scotland and Ardnamurchan History and Heritage Association.
Adopt-a-Monument is a nation-wide Community Archaeology scheme that provides volunteer groups with training, practical advice and support to improve the condition, accessibility and interpretation of their local heritage. It is part of a £9 million Scottish programme of projects to invest in the Highlands and Islands, to provide more and better-quality opportunities for visitors to enjoy natural and cultural heritage assets. It is funded by the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund, which is part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and works to create and sustain jobs, businesses and services in rural areas and remote communities, and promotes and develops the outstanding natural and cultural heritage of the Highlands and Islands in a way that conserves and protects them.